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居留许可证英文 许可证英文

来源:城市网    时间:2023-08-12 17:21:26


1、企业法人营业执照 (副本)BUSINESS LICENSE OF LEGAL ENTITY ( DUPLICATE) 注册号:Registration Number/Registered Number: 名称:Name of Business/Enterprise: 住所:Address: 法定代表人姓名:Legal Representative/Person in Charge: 注册资本:Registered Capital: 实收资本:Paid-up Capital: 公司类型:有限责任公司 Character of Economy/Scope of Business: Co., Ltd 经营范围:农机、农用车配件的组装和销售、润滑油系列产品的销售。

2、(以上经营范围涉及许可经营项目的,应在取得有关部门的许可后方可经营) BUSINESS SCOPE:Agricultural machinery, agricultural vehicles parts assembly and sale of oil products sales.(License management business covers more than the project, relevant departments should obtain permission before they can operate) 成立日期:二000年十二月二十二日 Founded Date/Date of Set-up:December 22 , 2000 营业期限:二000年十二月二十二日 至二0一0年十二月二十二日 BUSINESS TERM: Form December 22 , 2000 to December 22, 2010。



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